Occupy Museums, Arts Activist Bundle (2018)
Citizen Participation: Directives and Diagrams
May 6 — May 20, 2018
OPENING: Sunday May 6 at 5:00pm, with a potluck and a performance by the Feminist Art Group at 6:00.
VIEWING HOURS: Sat + Sun 2:00pm — 5:00pm
Wed + Thrs 4:00pm — 7:00pm
This project uses Sherry Arnstein’s seminal 1969 essay “A Ladder of Citizen Participation” as an instigation for eight collectives working in participatory, civic, and collective ways to exhibit themselves through works dealing with citizenry and (self)governance across a wide variety of disciplines.
Social Arts Practices Network (SPAN), Occupy Museums, Feminist Art Group (FAG), Social Health Performance Club, Workers Art Coalition, Chinatown Art Brigade, Culture Push, and Harem Haram Hamam (H.H.H. Collective) will realize work(s) re-imagining the ladder’s depiction of citizenship, direct democracy, and/or power distribution.
ABC No Rio in Exile at Bullet Space/292 Gallery
292 East 3rd Street (bet. C + D)
(subject to change)
SUNDAY MAY 6 (5pm): Opening with Potluck and Feminist Art Group Performance
THURSDAY MAY 10 (4-7pm): SPAN Interviews
THURSDAY MAY 10 at 7:00pm: Occupy Museums Panel - How Does Your Economic Reality Affect your Activism?
SATURDAY MAY 12 (6-9pm): Social Health Performance Club Performances I:
Dominique DuRoseau, Ayana Evans, Coco Cafe
SUNDAY MAY 13 at 2:00 + 4:00pm: Culture Push Mediated Walks
WEDNESDAY MAY 16 (4-7pm): SPAN Interviews
THURSDAY MAY 17 (6-9pm): Social Health Performance Club Performances II:
Tropical Resources, Geraldo Mercado, Waqia Abdul-Kareem
FRIDAY MAY 18 at 4:00pm: Workers Art Coalition with Queens College Social Practice Program
SUNDAY MAY 20 at 4:00pm: Culture Push Mediated Walks
Supported in part by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and the New York State Council on the Arts.