Owning Earth

Owning Earth is an outdoor exhibition in the Unison Arts Sculpture Garden. 

Duration: June 26, 2021 – Oct 30th, 2022

Free and Open to the Public, Dawn to Dusk Daily

The artists of Owning Earth challenge the intolerable cruelty of deeply entrenched systems of domination—over our environment, other species, and other humans--and imagine alternatives based on mutuality and reverence.

Artists: Sariah Park, Colin Lyons, Jean-Marc Superville Sovak, Brooke Singer, Christy Gast, Eliza Evans, Matthew Friday & Alex Young, Alejandro Chellet, Melinda Kiefer, Sam Spillman, Emilie Houssart, Eileen Wold, Eleanor King & Lucy Pullen, Michael Asbill & Derek Stroup, Joel Olzak, Sarah Max Beck, Robert C Beck, and how to perform an abortion (Maureen Connor, Landon Newton and Kadambari Baxi with Eugenia Manwelyan)

Owning Earth curator Tal Beery and assistant curator Erin Antonak are both nationally-known artists with longstanding connections to the Hudson Valley. Among other works, the artists in Owning Earth weaved flags created from site-specific soil profiles, laid patterns of the legendary Underground Railroad Quilt Code, erected monuments to bee democracy, and built outdoor laboratories to test radical climate solutions.

Visitors are invited to experience the exhibition at their own pace. A free self-guided audio tour can be accessed through QR codes on-site or by clicking this link.


Eliza Evans: All The Way To Hell


in the absence of a proper mourning